Tuesday, May 28, 2013

2.5 weeks...

2 and a half weeks.  Probably the longest ones in my life.  2.5 weeks of not doing a whole lot, asking for a lot of help and now i am sick of it.....  Here is my reality that depresses me today.

I have always been a fan of my calves.... they are nice fairly defined and have good muscle to them.  I have never been embarrassed about them and now i cannot believe how fast that muscle is going away.  Its so hard to watch my leg become so floppy.  I now see how my dad and friend Chandra felt last year with their medical situations.  So here we do.  The night of the break my calf was 15inches at its fullest.... why I needed to know this I am not sure.  Today.... 13.5 inches.  And this is only at 18 days, i can only imagine how small it will be after the 6 weeks.

Here is a photo of it.

The photo on the left is from the trip home from the hospital.  There is about an 1" gap on either side of the middle panel of the cast.  Today, that middle panel touches the outside panel.

So ya..... I am a little bummed today as Reuben and the girls go out on the bike train for the first time and I am at home, suppose to be doing dishes.  However, I am thanking God for my children who love to bike, a patient husband who has taken them biking and for the very slow healing that is occurring.  I am not in a lot of pain anymore until the evening, then I can tell if I have done too much during the day.  I still have my foot up for most of the day becuase the swelling is what is painful now. 

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